onsdag 5 december 2012

Jack and the giant pepper åk 7

Read the story Jack and the giant pepper.

Download the short story and the assignments here

tisdag 4 december 2012

Gamla uppgifter in! 8-9 LUND

Om 2 veckor ska betygen vara satta, här finns alla gamla uppgifter och läxor att ladda ner.

Kolla med mig om ni är osäkra på vilka uppgifter som ni inte lämnat in än.

Relationship column

Fake news

The breakfast club - film analysis

Lamb to the slaughter - text 

Lamb to the slaughter  - questions 

torsdag 29 november 2012

Lamb to the slaughter

We are going to read a short story by Roahld Dahl.

The story is called "Lamb to the slaughter and you can download and read it  here

I have also prepared some questions that you are supposed to answer and send in to me.

You can download the questions here.

Good luck!

måndag 26 november 2012

False friends

We have been working with false friends.
You can download the file and practice them at home.

Press  here : False friends glosor 

tisdag 20 november 2012

Idrott och Hälsa - Planera din egen idrottslektion

I idrotten har vi just dragit igång ett projekt där 9:orna ska få hålla i en idrottslektion.

Ni ska inte enbart hålla i lektionen utan även skriva en lektionsplanering som ni ska lämna in innan lektionen.

Här nedan finns uppgiften att ladda ner.


Lycka till!

Film analysis of the film "The breakfast club"

We have watched the film "The breakfast club"

Here comes a link to the assignment and film analysis that you have to do.

Press here to download the file 

Good luck!

Fake news

We have been watching fake news and now it is your turn to write your own piece of fake news.

Press the link below to download the assignment:

Fake news

Good luck!


A place in Malmö

You are going to write about a place in Malmö.

All the instructions that you need can be found in the link below.

A place in Malmö

Good luck!

måndag 22 oktober 2012

Adjectives name game

Adjetives name game!

What is an adjective?

A word that describes something.

Eg. blue, nice, happy, angry, beautiful, smart, clever, silly, funny, etc...

Task 1

Pick an adjective that starts with the first letter in your name and that describes you.

For example: My name is Amani. I am amazing. 

If you have trouble finding an adjective you can visit the website below to find more adjectives. 

When you have picked and adjective think of a movemenet (rörelse) that goes with your adjective. 

Wait for further instructions!

fredag 19 oktober 2012

American vs. British English

British and American English don’t only differ in pronunciation but also in meaning. 

What’s the difference between the meaning of the sentences below?

To find out, go to this website: http://us2uk.tripod.com/funny.htm 

You will be divided into small groups and each group will get a pair of sentences. Find out their meaning and the difference between them. Be prepared to explain it to the rest of the class.

You are welcome to use the stories on the website as a support to your explanation. 

Good luck!


My pants are dirty. (US) 
My pants are dirty (UK) 

Being pissed (UK)
Being pissed (US)

Can I use your rubber (UK)
Can I use your rubber (US)

Are you allowed to smoke a fag in there? (UK)
Are you allowed to smoke a fag in there? (US)

I’m stuffed! (UK)
I’m stuffed! (US)

Suck it up (UK)
Suck it up (US)

No thongs allowed! (UK)
no thongs allowed! (US) 

Where is the restroom? (UK)
Where is the restroom? (US)

I knocked her up (UK)
I knocked her up (US)

I need to get out for a puff or two (UK)
I need to get out for a puff or two (US)

Here's your homework! Download it here!

tisdag 16 oktober 2012


What do you think...

  1. Is it important to become familiar with different dialects of English ?  Why? Why not?
  2. Is a certain dialect/accent ” better” than others? Why? Why not?

Is it important to become familiar with different dialects of English ?  Why? -Why not? Is a certain dialect/accent ” better” than others? Why?-Why not?


  1. What is a boneknapper?
  2. What does Gobber mean by ” I heard the call of nature”?
  3. What did Gobber find in the Ice?
  4. What is the name of the God who saved Gobber?
  5. Where is the piece of bone ” hidden” the dragon needs in order to have a roar? ( Gobber wears it...but where?)
  6. Why does the dragon roar according to the legend?

måndag 15 oktober 2012

Homework for Thursday


I would just like to remind you of the homework that you have till Thursday.

Homework 1 (for those who forgot to hand it in last week)

Please write down 5 different sentences on how to greet someone.

Homework 2 

What do you like to do?

Write down 10 sentences of what you like to do.

Start the sentences with: "I like to..."

I want your homework to be sent to my e-mail amani@humfryskolan.se

Good luck


Deadline for the scary movie project


I know that you all have been working hard with your scripts for your scary movies with Szilvia.

I would just like to remind you of the deadline for the project. 

We have decided that the movies should be finished and presented on Wednesday the 23rd of October

This means that all of you have to work hard this week and start the filming and editing process.  

You will have time to work with your movies on your English lessons on:

Tuesday 16th October
Wednesday 17th October 
Tuesday 22nd October 

You will also be able to work with your movies on your ”handledningstid” on Tuesday and Thursday.

Use your time well and good luck!

// Amani

måndag 8 oktober 2012

Till Szilvias projekt i åk 7

Detta jobbar vi med i projektet på engelskan då vi skriver dialoger och manus med 

måndag 10 september 2012

Radio Show

You are going to record a radio show where you talk about the relationship issues that you have worked with previously. The radio show that you are going to produce have to be between 5-6 min long, (music not included).

You will work in groups of four. I will decide the groups.
In the show you should act like:
one or two radio hosts
one or two relationship experts
one or two callers who need help in the show

Write a script for for your radio show. Try to make everyone in the group talk equally much.
Talk about the questions in the Relationship column. You don’t just have to ask the question and give the answer, you can discuss the question in more detail, ask additional questions etc.

In five minutes you should be able to answer at least two questions, but no more than four.

Try to include:
- a signature melody
- a presentation of your show
- music makes your radio show varied and fun to listen to, but if you play music you still have to have 5 min where you talk.

Course of action

1. Decide what roles you are (host, expert, listener)
2. Decide what questions from the Relationship Column you want to discuss
3. Write the script
4. Read through the script out loud to see if it is long enough to last 5 min
5. Record your radio show in Garage band