fredag 25 januari 2013

tisdag 22 januari 2013

Presentation of your country

Here is a list with names and dates of when it's time for your presentations.

Week 5:

29/1 Tuesday: Majken, Ida 

Week 6: 

5/2 Tuesday: Isak , Rosalie 

7/2 Thursday: Mira, Jessica, Therese/Samantha/Rebecka 

Week 7 

14/2 Thursday: Gustav/Julia, Pi, Daniel,  Alice, Johanna/Michelle, Stina, Liv/Sara/Saga, Hedda  

Week 8 


Adjective assignment year 8

Here is today's assignment about adjectives.
Download the file here. 

måndag 21 januari 2013

Inventions åk 6

Här kan ni ladda ner skrivuppgiften i engelska om olika uppfinningar.
Klicka här!

fredag 11 januari 2013

Book review

Här nedan kan ni ladda ner ett dokument med frågor som ni kan använda er utav när ni skriver er bokrecension.

Ladda ner filen här!

Deadline: Friday 15th February 

torsdag 10 januari 2013

The tourist guide year 9

"The tourist guide" is the name of the project that we will be working with these couple of weeks.

You can download the file here.

You can also find it on schoolsoft.

tisdag 8 januari 2013

The body parts åk 6

Go to the links below and practice the names of the different body parts. Make sure to do the test several times and try to learn the words. When you have done the tests come and show me your results and I will give you another assignment.

The head

The face   

The body

7:or i LUND - Journey around the world

Here is the project that we will work with these couple of weeks. 

It's called "Journey around the world" and you can download it here.

Grammar - Verbs

Your first grammar assignment will be about verbs.

Download the file here and work with it. 

Send in to my e-mail when you are done:

Journey around the world

Tillsammans med geografin kommer vi i engelskan att jobba med ett projekt som vi kallar för "Journey around the world". 

Projektet kommer hålla på i 6 veckor.

Här nedan finns en länk där man kan ladda ner filen.