tisdag 28 maj 2013

Discussion essay year 8

Here is today's assignment where you are ought to write a discussion essay, choose one of the two topics in the file. 

Press here to download it!

måndag 13 maj 2013

Verbs 6:an

Here is today's assignment about verbs.
Download it here!

If you finish early you can go to the webpage down below and do some extra verb exercises!

torsdag 18 april 2013

Extra assignments year 9

During the time that I'm going to have the oral national exams, I want the rest of the class to work with the assignments below.  Do them in the right order! 

Click on the links to download the assignments. 

1.  Write a book review (if you haven't done it already)

2. Write a discussion essay about ONE of two topics and let a friend read and give you feedback on it before you send it in to me.