måndag 25 februari 2013

UK, Great Britain, England

We will be working with the United Kingdom these couple of weeks and we will start off by introducing you to some basic facts about the UK, Great Britain and England.

You can download the file here!

torsdag 7 februari 2013

"The help" assignment year 9

We have now watched the movie "The help" and now it is time for you to do a short history assignment concerning some of the events that occurred during the Civil rights movement.


tisdag 5 februari 2013

Grammar summary Keynote presentation

För er som missat mina genomgångar eller för er som vill träna lite extra till provet på tisdag 12/2 så har jag här laddat upp min Key note presentation så att ni kan träna inför provet.

Här kan ni ladda ner min keynote presentation om English grammar. 

Error analysis - åk 8

Here is an assignment on various grammar classes. Download the assignment here. 

Don't forget that you have a grammar test on Tuesday 12th of February.