Press on the link below and download the file to your Ipad!
tisdag 3 september 2013
torsdag 30 maj 2013
tisdag 28 maj 2013
Discussion essay year 8
Here is today's assignment where you are ought to write a discussion essay, choose one of the two topics in the file.
Press here to download it!
Press here to download it!
måndag 27 maj 2013
Adjektivuppgift 6:an
Here is today's assignment about adjectives
Download it here:
Download it here:
måndag 20 maj 2013
måndag 13 maj 2013
Verbs 6:an
Here is today's assignment about verbs.
Download it here!
If you finish early you can go to the webpage down below and do some extra verb exercises!
Download it here!
If you finish early you can go to the webpage down below and do some extra verb exercises!
torsdag 18 april 2013
Extra assignments year 9
During the time that I'm going to have the oral national exams, I want the rest of the class to work with the assignments below. Do them in the right order!
Click on the links to download the assignments.
1. Write a book review (if you haven't done it already)
2. Write a discussion essay about ONE of two topics and let a friend read and give you feedback on it before you send it in to me.
Click on the links to download the assignments.
1. Write a book review (if you haven't done it already)
2. Write a discussion essay about ONE of two topics and let a friend read and give you feedback on it before you send it in to me.
tisdag 9 april 2013
onsdag 13 mars 2013
Hej, nu finns IUP (Individuell utvecklingsplan) att ladda ner.
Vi vill att eleven tillsammans med målsmän ska fylla i och skicka in det till oss senast tisdag.
Ladda ner filen på elevens dator.
Klicka här för att ladda ner IUP-uppgiften för åk 6-8
Klicka här för att ladda ner IUP-uppgiften för åk 9
Vi vill att den lämnas in till respektive mentor senast nu på fredag:
- till Pernilla:
- till Regitze/Amani:
torsdag 7 mars 2013
Ireland facts åk 6 Malmö
The last country we will read about is Ireland, download the assignment from the links below.
Press here to download it for IPad and Apple.
Press here to download it for PC and Microsoft Word.
Press here to download it for IPad and Apple.
Press here to download it for PC and Microsoft Word.
Northern ireland and Ireland 6-7 LUND
måndag 4 mars 2013
Northern Ireland
You can download the assignment about Northern Ireland in the links down below.
For Ipad and pages.
For PC, Windows and Word.
Verb assignment
Here is the verb assignment that you will be working with today.
Click here to download the assignment.
You can also find the assignment on schoolsoft.
Click here to download the assignment.
You can also find the assignment on schoolsoft.
onsdag 27 februari 2013
måndag 25 februari 2013
UK, Great Britain, England
We will be working with the United Kingdom these couple of weeks and we will start off by introducing you to some basic facts about the UK, Great Britain and England.
You can download the file here!
torsdag 7 februari 2013
"The help" assignment year 9
We have now watched the movie "The help" and now it is time for you to do a short history assignment concerning some of the events that occurred during the Civil rights movement.
tisdag 5 februari 2013
Grammar summary Keynote presentation
För er som missat mina genomgångar eller för er som vill träna lite extra till provet på tisdag 12/2 så har jag här laddat upp min Key note presentation så att ni kan träna inför provet.
Här kan ni ladda ner min keynote presentation om English grammar.
Här kan ni ladda ner min keynote presentation om English grammar.
Error analysis - åk 8
Here is an assignment on various grammar classes. Download the assignment here.
Don't forget that you have a grammar test on Tuesday 12th of February.
måndag 4 februari 2013
fredag 1 februari 2013
Matilda chapter 1 - åk 6
Hej, här har ni kapitel 1 om Matilda. Läs texten, översätt orden i listan och svara på frågorna längst ner.
Klicka här för att ladda ner filen.
Klicka här för att ladda ner filen.
torsdag 31 januari 2013
tisdag 29 januari 2013
fredag 25 januari 2013
Adverb assignment year 8
Here is the assignment on adverbs that you can work with today.
Download it here.
Download it here.
tisdag 22 januari 2013
Presentation of your country
Here is a list with names and dates of when it's time for your presentations.
Week 8
Week 5:
29/1 Tuesday: Majken, Ida
Week 6:
5/2 Tuesday: Isak , Rosalie
7/2 Thursday: Mira, Jessica, Therese/Samantha/Rebecka
Week 7
14/2 Thursday: Gustav/Julia, Pi, Daniel, Alice, Johanna/Michelle, Stina, Liv/Sara/Saga, Hedda
Week 8
måndag 21 januari 2013
fredag 18 januari 2013
torsdag 17 januari 2013
tisdag 15 januari 2013
fredag 11 januari 2013
Book review
Här nedan kan ni ladda ner ett dokument med frågor som ni kan använda er utav när ni skriver er bokrecension.
Ladda ner filen här!
Deadline: Friday 15th February
torsdag 10 januari 2013
The tourist guide year 9
"The tourist guide" is the name of the project that we will be working with these couple of weeks.
You can download the file here.
You can also find it on schoolsoft.
You can download the file here.
You can also find it on schoolsoft.
tisdag 8 januari 2013
The body parts åk 6
Go to the links below and practice the names of the different body parts. Make sure to do the test several times and try to learn the words. When you have done the tests come and show me your results and I will give you another assignment.
The head
The face
The body
The head
The face
The body
7:or i LUND - Journey around the world
Here is the project that we will work with these couple of weeks.
It's called "Journey around the world" and you can download it here.
Grammar - Verbs
Your first grammar assignment will be about verbs.
Download the file here and work with it.
Send in to my e-mail when you are done:
Journey around the world
Tillsammans med geografin kommer vi i engelskan att jobba med ett projekt som vi kallar för "Journey around the world".
Projektet kommer hålla på i 6 veckor.
Här nedan finns en länk där man kan ladda ner filen.
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