torsdag 29 november 2012

Lamb to the slaughter

We are going to read a short story by Roahld Dahl.

The story is called "Lamb to the slaughter and you can download and read it  here

I have also prepared some questions that you are supposed to answer and send in to me.

You can download the questions here.

Good luck!

måndag 26 november 2012

False friends

We have been working with false friends.
You can download the file and practice them at home.

Press  here : False friends glosor 

tisdag 20 november 2012

Idrott och Hälsa - Planera din egen idrottslektion

I idrotten har vi just dragit igång ett projekt där 9:orna ska få hålla i en idrottslektion.

Ni ska inte enbart hålla i lektionen utan även skriva en lektionsplanering som ni ska lämna in innan lektionen.

Här nedan finns uppgiften att ladda ner.


Lycka till!

Film analysis of the film "The breakfast club"

We have watched the film "The breakfast club"

Here comes a link to the assignment and film analysis that you have to do.

Press here to download the file 

Good luck!

Fake news

We have been watching fake news and now it is your turn to write your own piece of fake news.

Press the link below to download the assignment:

Fake news

Good luck!


A place in Malmö

You are going to write about a place in Malmö.

All the instructions that you need can be found in the link below.

A place in Malmö

Good luck!